Project Organization: What we will do?

The first  year of The Lost Island Project will have two phases of development: exploration and data collection. Documentation will be a fundamental part of the project which will be present at every stage of the activities.  Each week-long project installment will be structured similarly for efficiency and the ease of new participants.

    1. Day 1 of the project involves the presentation of the activities and the first two talks regarding data collection procedures and the procedures for diving in the high sea. The first talk will explain in detail the goals that divers will accomplish during their research, and the second will cover the official accident plan for the project. Next, we will perform two training dives in which we will apply the information from the talks. The dives will be conducted in shallow water under the scientific supervision of marine biologist Dr. Nicola Savi and the guidance of GUE instructor Francesco Spaggiari for the high-seas diving procedures. These first dives will also serve to  finalize the equipment before it is shipped to the project site. At the end of the day we will move to the nearby port of San Leone to load all the equipment on the boat and depart to the island of Ferdinandea. The island is about 40 nautical miles from the port of San Leone and we will spend our first night aboard the boat,  sailing towards our goal beneath the stars.

    2. On the second day we will wake up anchored above the volcano, the top of which sits at about 8 meters depth. We will spend three days in Ferdinandea, diving and conducting research. The site is an underwater mountain that rises from about 300 meters with the base at about 50 meters . The teams involved in the activities of exploration and research will always be assisted at the surface by a boat with a diver on board for emergencies, to ensure maximum safety during the diving operations. The team of researchers will be divided according to the degree of patent ownership and will be composed of a maximum of 3 divers and 1 supervisor.
The time on the island will not just include diving; all data collected will be cataloged so that it can be analyzed once we return to land. On all dives, a member of the team will have the task of documenting the activities, since one of the aims of the project is to make a documentary that follows the development of the project step by step, including the emotions and experiences of the participants.

The fifth day will split into 3 phases:
    a.    Data collection and cataloguing
    b.    Planning and production of photo and video documentation
    c.    Gas refills
This day will be rich in content. Under the supervision of our marine biologist, we will learn the possible results of our research in depth, and we will prepare to send the collected data to the scientific directors. We will take care of the video editing, photo cataloging, and logistics, in order to ensure that the new teams of divers who arrive in the coming days can work as efficiently as possible.

3. The last day of the project (Friday), we will have the opportunity to take a guided tour to the beautiful Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, an extraordinary place famous throughout the world for the beauty of its Greek temples. For those who wish to go by sea, there will be a chance to dive the underwater sites of Agrigento or spend a day aboard a boat exploring the coast of Sicily.


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