Coral Mystery pt.II the History

In the spring of 1879 all the boats returned, wandering over the new bank of which Commander La Via provides a full description and mapping:
“From the plan I am honored to send to Your Excellency you can see the position and the extent of the coral bank, and though it is not marked with astronomical precision, even its approximation should serve, especially as this is not a danger to navigation but is a coral bank of great depth that very shortly, once the coral is finished, will be returned to oblivion like the one discovered in 1875, not too distant from this one.”
That this was becoming something truly big, important even for the Sciac-chitani, who this time didn’t even dream of going fishing for anchovies, can be deduced from another passage written by La Via:
“I think by now we can say that coral fishing is becoming familiar even for the sailors of the Sicilian coasts, and in fact in the interval between last year’s fishing and this year’s, many Sciacca boat owners bought boats similar to those of Torre del Greco, with the same fishing equipment and even hired a few Torresi sailors to train the others in coral fishing.”
The Italian Statistical Annals reveal that 1879 was an excellent fishing season. In fact they harvested 980,000 kg of coral, an amount that yielded 8,330,000 lire to the 750 boats involved. But still nothing compared to what would happen the following year, in 1880.
In January a new bank was discovered, larger than all the others, described thusly in a Report by the Merchant Marine Headquarters: “it is located 39° 0’ south from Capo San Marco, about 36 and a half miles distant. The tallest section of the bank, called ‘sommo’ by the fishermen, lies about 68 meters below the sea and the remaining surface is of variable depths, extending up to 90 meters.
The fishermen believe that the bank extends for almost four miles in length and is an average of one a half mile in width. Five miles southeast of the bank is a small appendix, about 42 to 45 meters deep, also containing coral.”
This was an enormous bank! Everyone was euphoric. And justifiably so as they were able to work simultaneously on two banks, the one from 1878 and the one from 1890.
Almost 1,800 boats were used during this fishing season and approximately 17,000 men. Numbers that make the Klondike gold rush pale by comparison! The amount of coral harvested was also incredible: 4,492,500 kg, yielding a gross income of lire 22,462,000.
To be Continued...

[text taken wth license of the author of the book Sciacca Mystery- Giuseppe Rajola]

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The Sciacca Mystery the History

In 1875, about 30 miles off the coast of Sciacca, Sicily, fishermen discovered a coral bank. But this coral was of a strange orange color, very different from what was normally found in the area. Stranger still was the fact that an enormous quantity of this coral was simply piled in great mounds in a very small area of the sea bed. News of the discovery quickly spread and teeming number of prefessional coral fishermen rushed to the area from everywhere, primarily to Torre del Greco. When it seemed that the bank was completely depleted, a second even larger bank was discovered, and then a third, larger still. The fishing went on for over twenty years, until the end of the century. But rather than fishing this was harvest. A unique, exceptional, unrepeatable event.
It was calculated that over 14,000 tons of coral were extracted from these banks.
Numerous scientists of the era were assigned to study the phenomenon, to try to understand the reason for all that coral and if such massive harvesting could damage its eventual reproduction in the same area. The answer was always the same; the coral was there because of a volcano located in the same area. A volcano that a few years prior had erupted into a island, the Isola Ferdinandea, the island that never was. It was all dead coral, and such it could not reproduce.
No one ever wondered why there was such a massive amount of coral in that site, nor how an organic matter like coral could be preserved in spite of such high temperatures.
No on, that is, until now.


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Volcano Rising

He may be a historian by training, but Dr. Ralph Harrington really gets his blood pumping by studying volcanoes, a past time that has followed him since seeing his first volcano Vesuvias alongside the Bay of Naples when he was very small.
He seems to know quite a lot about the connection between volcanoes and marine life too.  Through this Q&A with him, I learned that 80% of the world's volcanoes are beneath the ocean, many volcanoes are often associated with saltwater, but freshwater too, and that ocean acidification is often increased by volcanic activity (he points out a huge example in the interview below.)
To appease his insatiable curiosity for volcanoes and earth science, Dr. Harrington started the Volcanism blog--the kind of blog he wished for in the past, but created himself.
Volcanoes and marine biology: Truly an ever intriguing topic, and one that has become even more fascinating thanks to Dr. Ralph Harrington.

Why study volcanoes? 

There are countless reasons – volcanoes are such many-faceted and fascinating phenomena. Volcanism has played a key role in shaping the world around us: whatever processes you look at, from the shaping of the continents to the creation of the Earth’s oceans and atmosphere, volcanism has had a role to play. The organic building-blocks of life itself may owe their existence to volcanic activity in the oceans. Then there is the question of how humanity lives with volcanoes: the risks they pose, the benefits they offer. Finally, I would mention the cultural and historical aspects of volcanoes, their role in art, religion, the human imagination.  

Does your research on and fascination and experience with volcanoes connect or relate to the marine world? 

Perhaps here I should mention some personal influences. The first volcano I ever saw was Vesuvius, when I was a small child. The Bay of Naples region, with its deep and complex geological and human history, and that image of the sea, the volcano and the town spreading itself between the two – these have always remained in my mind as an archetype of the interaction between volcanoes and human society, which is where my fascination with volcanoes begins. As a historian I have researched the development of ideas about volcanoes in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when debates about the supposed role of the sea in volcanic activity were at the core of disputes between those who believed volcanoes were unimportant superficial phenomena and those who saw them as fundamental geological processes. My work as a historian and my fascination with volcanoes continually seem to bring me back to the marine world. 

What would the world be surprised to learn about volcanoes existing in or near the ocean? 

Perhaps how many of them there are, for a start. It’s been estimated that 80 per cent of the world’s volcanoes are beneath the oceans. These submarine volcanoes are very active, and in some cases surprisingly explosive. Very recently there has been some interesting news coverage of West Mata, a submarine volcano at the northern end of Tonga Trench in the south-west Pacific that U.S. scientists visited in remotely-operated submersibles in the spring of 2009. The vents at West Mata are over a kilometer below the surface, where the pressure should be too great for explosive activity, and yet the video these scientists shot shows the volcano roaring away like a firework display. The reason must be in the volatility of the magma, but surprises like this show how much there is still to explore and understand about submarine volcanism. 

Of course, even when volcanoes are not beneath the seas, they like to cluster in oceanic settings, as anyone looking at a map of the Earth’s volcanoes will notice. Most of the active continental volcanism on the planet is near the sea, because of the role of plate tectonics: heavy oceanic crust is subducted beneath lighter continental crust, so that classically you get a trench in the seabed and a line of volcanoes offset from the trench, fed by magma that rises from the subduction zone to the surface. Those volcanoes may be in the coastal region of a landmass or in a chain of islands: if you look down the Pacific coast of Russia, along the Kuril Islands and down through Japan, you can see how the volcanoes crowd along the coastal areas and island chains. Indeed, practically the whole Pacific Ocean is circled by regions of active volcanism, the famous Pacific ‘Ring of Fire’. It’s understandable that some volcano-watchers of previous ages thought that the sea directly drove volcanism, when you look at how many volcanoes are in marine settings. 

And people might be surprised by how important the relationship between volcanoes and water is, even when not directly concerned with the seas. Hydrovolcanism is an important aspect of volcanic activity, the relationship between volcanic activity and rainfall is a very important one, and many volcanoes are associated with bodies of fresh water. Crater lakes, often rendered highly acidic by volcanic emissions, are a whole area of study – and of potential volcanic hazard – in themselves.

How does having a volcano in the area affect the marine life there? 

Superficially, it would appear that an active volcano is a disaster for the life around it, in a marine setting as much as on land. A volcano might erupt on an island and destroy everything living there, or a flank collapse could produce a destructive tsunami; ashfall or acidic emissions might destroy life in a lake or an area of ocean. But there’s much more to the interaction of volcanoes and marine life than that, and it is far from being all a tale of destruction. 

As I mentioned earlier the building blocks of life on this planet may owe their very existence to marine volcanic processes. As we’ve come to know more about spreading ridges, black smokers and other aspects of submarine volcanism we’ve come to realize that an active volcano in the ocean does not result in a dead zone – anything but. Life is highly dynamic and will adapt to whatever conditions it finds itself in. The relationship between life and volcanism is an excellent example. Despite the poisonous and acidic emissions, heat and disruptive activity of active volcanism, certain forms of life flourish around volcanoes, relishing the heat and thriving on the emissions. Volcanism has been part of the marine biosphere for as long as there has been such a thing, and until plate tectonics grinds to a halt and the last volcano goes cold, marine life and volcanism will continue to get on fine.

You recently wrote a great blog entry in September about how a volcano in the Pacific is causing ocean acidification.  What other issues (marine conservation, climate change, etc.) can a volcano in or near a body of water cause.

‘In or near’ is an important distinction. A volcano in the water directly impacts upon its composition and behavior – acidification is an example, and this has a clear effect upon the life around it. A volcano near the water will impact upon it indirectly: its ash will fall into the water, flank collapses and lava emissions into the ocean can have a destructive impact, at least in the short term. These issues affect lakes near or in volcanoes as much as bodies of oceanic water. Ecosystems can be disrupted by volcanic activity, and will take time to adapt and recover. As for climate change, that’s a very big question! Climate is dynamic, not static, and volcanoes are an important factor in the ways climate changes over time. The more we study and understand the role of volcanoes in climatic variation, past and present, the better we will understand what is happening now and may happen in the future. And don’t forget, volcanoes have the capability to affect climate both gradually and catastrophically. Earth’s geological history, and the history of Earth’s climate, is punctuated by global volcanic cataclysms – that is, they would be cataclysmic for humanity. The planet rolls on regardless. 

How do these volcanoes affect marine life? 

A recent eruption in Tonga left fish and marine birds dead for miles around; likewise, the eruption of Kasatochi in the Aleutians turned a formerly thriving island ecosystem into an ash-covered wasteland. But life returns and adapts immediately: as in the case of Mount St Helens on land, volcanic activity at sea may seem to offer nothing but destruction but in fact it is part of the natural cycle of change and renewal. Undersea volcanism itself produces nutrients, recharging the water with the materials it needs to sustain life. 

The case of the acidification of the ocean by volcanic activity is an interesting one. The example I wrote about in the blog post you mention above was Maug in the Marianas Islands. Here the acidity of the upper 100 meters of the ocean has been increased 30% by volcanic activity: many organisms cannot live in such conditions at all, and corals and shellfish that do survive there have to use much more energy to sustain their shells. In a study of a Japanese submarine volcano called Eifuku scientists found that mussels were in effect cannibalizing their shells for the carbonate they needed for their internal chemistry, with the result that their shells were very thin and weak. It’s important that we know about these effects, and are aware of how life adapts and changes in acidified ocean environments. 

Is there anything the average person can do to help protect marine life and/or the ocean in areas where there is threat of a volcano eruption? 

The average person should always be doing what he or she can to understand the world about them, geologically, biologically and in other ways, so that every response to environmental change of whatever kind can be an informed response. But volcanic eruptions are part of the natural world, not a threat to it, in the seas and elsewhere, and there is little anyone can do about them. In a limited way there might be a role for human intervention in some particular cases: in the Galapagos Islands, for example, particularly destructive volcanic eruptions might lead to the evacuation of the local tortoises, and in Japan recently albatrosses from a colony on the active volcanic island of Tori-shima were recently transferred to another island where they will not be threatened by volcanic activity. But generally speaking marine volcanic eruptions offer people little opportunity to do anything directly – except study, observe, and learn. 

Finally, and this applies to marine and other environments, it’s worth making the point that human life needs protecting as well. Many volcanoes are in poor parts of the world, where the condition of the people is not helped by the pressures of irresponsible tourism, even if it is well-meaning. Volcano tourism is increasingly popular, but if you travel to areas such as the islands of the Pacific, Central America, or Indonesia, do it in a way that helps the people who have to make a living there – go with a professional sustainable travel company or tour organizer, there are many to chose from these days. And while we’re on the subject, even volcanoes are not free of the plague of litter, and I’d want to echo what Mathias Koester (who blogs as The Lost Geologist) said in your interview with him: wherever you go and whatever you do, take your rubbish away with you! 

[Interview by Ava taken from]

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Coral Mistery the History

In March/April 1877 there they all were once again. Collecting the crumbs, (kg. 275,000) and selling, in fact almost donating, the coral, earning a total amount of 3,400,000 lire.
A report issued by the Merchant Marine Headquarters, dated 27 November 1887, provides some interesting information about the bank:
“It’s not very large, as it is simply a large underwater bank measuring about two or three hundred meters in length and less than that in width. The fishermen say that it is shaped like a cone, whose top is about 146 meters from the surface of the sea. In the first few years they harvested a great deal of excellent live coral, although those who cleaned it had to work in shifts because of the restricted area. Since so many boats had come, the bottom was soon thoroughly raked by the ‘ingegni’, such that a few years later fishermen found only a very small quantity of dead and fragmented coral, and the bank having by now become unproductive was abandoned. In May of 1887 the Commander of the royal steamship Muran plumbed its depths 24 times, to a minimum depth of 163 and a maximum of 215 meters; the sea bed was also dredged using the device employed by the coral boats but all they found was grey sand, with no trace of coral; they did not even find the summit of the cone or the top of the bank mentioned by the fishermen.”
Food for thought: there had been a mountain of coral and now it no longer existed. The fishermen had torn from the sea from a minimum of 20 to a maximum of 70 meters of coral!
In 1878 something new happened: around the beginning of August a new bank was discovered, not very far from the first. A description is provided in a Report issued by the Merchant Marine Headquarters: “as they were lamenting the scarce product of the first bank, a second one was discovered about 12 miles south-west of the previous one, almost 24 miles from Capo San Marco, at a bearing of 45°SW’.
“According to the fishermen this bank had a surface area of seven nautical miles in circumference and appeared to be an appendix to the adjacent Graham Shoal, which is significantly higher. Three coral zones were found in a NE, SE and WNW direction from the center of the bank, forming a channel over one mile long and three quarters of a mile wide. The zone to the northeast, which has provided good coral, lies at a depth of 80 to 85 meters, the eastern zone forms an inclined plane, from 90 to 95 meters deep while the western zone is less deep and is more favorable to the production of coral.
“Mindful of what had happened a few years prior, fishermen and boats from all over came, “numbering approximately 500, from Torre del Greco, Leghorn, Sciacca, and Trapani. There were even some boats from France and Malta and the product of the first year exceeded two and a half million lire”.
Highly significant in giving an idea of the conditions in which the fishermen worked in 1878, is the report that Commander G. La Via sends to the Minister:
“I am honored to provide Your Excellency with the following report on coral fishing in the waters of Sciacca.
“Around the end of the month of August 1878 several fishermen from Sciacca, who usually went fishing quite a distance from the coast, happened to find some pieces of coral in their nets, suggesting that there might be a coral bank in the vicinity, and this soon became a certainty. As soon as the news of this discovery became known, the site was inundated not only by all the boats of Sciacca, but also from nearby coasts and so the sardine fishermen soon became coral fishermen. Not last to arrive were the boats from Torre del Greco that usually went coral fishing along the coasts of Africa, but this time they preferred to go to the new bank that was soon invaded by numerous boats of different origins.

(text taken with license of the author from the book Sciacca Mistery -Giuseppe Rajola)

"To Be Continued..."

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The Discover of the Coral

Mid May 1875: Alberto Maniscalco, called Bertu Ammareddu (little shrimp) together with two of his friends, Giuseppe Muschidda and Alberto Occhidilampa, were on his boat. They were fishing using the parangali, a sort of mast with many hooks, about a dozen nautical miles off Capo San Marco, in other words near Sciacca.
When they pulled it up, it appeared to be very heavy, and Bertu had a surprise: a branch of coral had gotten stuck on the parangali! He lowered it again and the same thing happened: more coral.
He had discovered a coral bank!
When he returned to land at sunset, Bertu recounted the event to his incredulous fishermen friends, who “became convinced” only when Bertu showed them his extraordinary catch. In fact, they tried to find out more about where the bank was located. But Bertu would have none of it.
“If you want to know where I caught the coral, you have to give me three thousand lire” – such were the conditions of Bertu Ammareddu.
He was no fool! Three thousand lire, in those days, equaled a year of work for a fisherman
He was booed and jeered! But in the end they agreed on 250 lire, collected from among all the fishermen.
Not a great amount but it did allow him to enjoy a few luxuries.
The problem, however, was another: the fishermen of Sciacca were excellent at fishing anchovies and sardines, but they knew nothing about coral. So they decided to go see some “experts” and went, very confidentially, to a few boats from Torre del Greco that were fishing in the area and had stopped in Trapani.
You know how these things turn out: if you want a secret not to be a secret, talk to someone confidentially! They had sent the lamb to the wolves. Everyone tried to get into the act! From Trapani, Port Empedocles, Mazara del Vallo. All the fishermen of Torre del Greco and anywhere else, stopped fishing wherever they were and all rushed to the new bank.
The “Maritime Review” 2° Trim. 1876 reported that: “About 170 boats from Torre del Greco rushed from wherever they were after the discovery of the coral bank of Capo San Marco.”
“The Sciacchitani – said Commander E. Accinni, Commander of the ‘Esploratore’, a warship sent to maintain some sort of order – because of old prejudices, wanted to push everyone back and words quickly turned to actions, making it necessary to send a warship.”
It was a very real and serious problem. The bank was not very wide, and so it was unthinkable that 360 boats could be there simultaneously (145 Torresi, 124 Sciacchitani, 51 from Port Empedocles, 30 from Trapani, 30 from Mazara del Vallo, and even 1 from Alghero). Maneuvering space was insufficient and so they organized shifts, which were respected thanks to the presence of the warship, Esploratore, and everything went smoothly.
The bank at first provided good coral and according to Commander Accinni, “a small boat with 8 men collected from 15 and sometimes up to 20 kilograms a day; and since the price had been set at 30 lire per kilo, with a 5% tare, they earned a daily average of five hundred lire.
“This was not prime quality coral as it had little consistency but they collected so much that it was more profitable than the finer coral harvested in other sites.
“As the bank slowly became depleted, the Schiacchitani and the small boats lagged behind, because their fishing gear was not like that of the Torresi, strong enough to uproot the coral attached to the very bottom and at greater depth. In addition to the lesser quantity, its value also began to decrease, such that while on June 15 it was sold at 30 lire per kilogram with a 5 percent tare, on July15 it had gone down to 20 lire with 8 percent tare, on August 15 to 10 lire with 10 percent tare and in the final days it was being sold at 6 lire with a 19 percent tare.
“By the beginning of August, a small boat could not harvest more than 8 kilograms of coral a day, and the daily earnings of 500 lire in the beginning had by now become 72 lire a day.
“In August the sailors of Sciacca go fishing for sardines and anchovies which provide them with greater earnings, and so that month, tired from the brief coral campaign to which they were not accustomed, they returned to their customary type of fishing.”
It’s extraordinary how a man of the sea like Commander E. Accinni, manages – in the report he provided to the Minister – to flavour his report with both financial and social aspects. He concludes by saying:
“We can consider the fishing season over; the last remaining boats of Torre del Greco are preparing to leave.
“The bank is depleted and unless another one is discovered there will surely be no need to send another warship the following year to perform the same duties as the Esploratore.”
This was in October 1875. According to Accinni the bank would not be providing any more coral the following year. But what happens in 1876? You would think that no one would return to that particular bank. And you would be wrong: because more than 550 boats, compared to the 360 of the previous year, showed up!
But the quantity of coral fished in 1876 was 330,000 kg. compared to the 360,000 of the previous year. Which means that, on the average, each of the 550 boats brought home 600 kg of coral compared to the 1,000 kg of the preceding year.
(text taken with license of the author from the book Sciacca Mistery -Giuseppe Rajola)

"To Be Continued..."

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A History of Coral of times gone by

Lost Island Project pruodly presents an abstract of the incredible history of the Sciacca Coral. Thanks to our new expert dott. Giuseppe Rajola, one of the most red coral expert in the world and CEO of Rajola SPA, who give us the opportunity to share with you his incredible scientific research on this mysterious coral founded for the first time in 1875. You will discover the connection between the coral and the Lost Island volcano. You will love it!
Thank dott. Rajola to your support on our project.
Lost Island Project Team.

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What we are looking for: Fumarole

The exhalative field, strictly elongated north-south, from the depths of 90-100 m is followed down along the side of the building and then through the floor with marine volcanic, with an overall probably more than 3 km. The fumaroles have a reach really very high and give rise to violent eruptions gaseous form of chains of bubbles, which rise to several tens of meters forming dense and wide (20-30 m) columns; higher columns fray and thin, while remaining perfectly recognizable to the surface, where you can see large bubbles still on the rise. This is not the usual fumarolic exhalations; seem continuous steam of the geysers, expelled under great pressure.
We used (Sanfilippo, Lanzafame, 2006) a camera mounted in a Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) to study the fumarolic field in the floor with marine volcanic and we followed him to the north, to a depth of 173 m, without reaching the northern limit . The study of the seabed outside the northern base of the cone, showed that they are made from mobile sediments, sandy-muddy, whitish and organogenic nature. There are also isolated blocks, the number and the size of which increases in the vicinity of the cone, to indicate their origin gravitational at the expense of the slopes of the building. The sea floor is largely covered by a veil of black sand of volcanic origin, composed of material ialoclastico, as shown by the analysis of samples collected during the background investigation. The volcanic sands, with evidence, have been observed to hold the blocks and also sessile organisms living. The depths of the whole area examined (about 1 sq. km) are littered with depression, funnel-shaped, metric sizes (diameter and depth), often organized along north-south orientations, some of which are still home to very weak fumaroles. These findings, in reference to what is known even about the fields exhalative land, indicate that small craters are now sold out of the product flow fumarole high energy which, when they were in business, digging troughs removing the finest materials , bringing them up and dispersing them in the area. The observation of granules blacks, of volcanic origin, of living organisms confirms unequivocally that the phenomenon is still in place in the adjacent volcanic areas.


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